14-Sep-2012 17:01

gallery: Leica M Monochrom
16-Oct-2011 19:54

gallery: Karpfen abfischen
14-Oct-2011 19:49

gallery: clouds
14-Oct-2011 19:49

gallery: calla
08-Oct-2011 19:31

gallery: feste
08-Oct-2011 19:31

gallery: Black and White & Monochrome
30-Sep-2011 18:22

gallery: female
29-Sep-2011 13:30

gallery: samples with Nikon PC lenses 24mm and 85mm
24-Sep-2011 18:00

gallery: male
24-Sep-2011 16:41

gallery: Sony NEX-5 with Leica lenses
20-Sep-2011 18:55

gallery: Reinfeld
14-Sep-2011 19:49

gallery: testshots