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Tony Dalton | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Click on a picture to open a gallery. In each gallery CLICK ALL to see more pictures in the gallery. There are many. Have a nice day and thanks for viewing ~ Tony
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Cape Breton Island ~  Home Of Our Hearts
< Cape Breton Island ~ " Home Of Our Hearts "  >
Cape Breton  Island   ~ A Proud Island
< Cape Breton Island ~ A Proud Island  >
Cape Breton Again ~   Worth The Trip
< Cape Breton Again ~ " Worth The Trip "  >
             More Cape Breton Island ~ Just For You
<  More Cape Breton Island ~ Just For You  >
Cape Breton Island ~  Along The Highway
< Cape Breton Island ~ " Along The Highway "  >
What I Have Noticed ~  Impressions of  Cape Breton Island
< What I Have Noticed ~ " Impressions of Cape Breton Island "  >
Cape Breton Island ~ Home of The Farmer's Daughter
< Cape Breton Island ~ Home of "The Farmer's Daughter" >
Places and More -  Nova Scotia and Beyond         ~      SUPPORT OUR VETERANS!
< Places and More - Nova Scotia and Beyond ~ SUPPORT OUR VETERANS! >
Cape Breton Island ~  Great Expectations
< Cape Breton Island ~ " Great Expectations"  >
The Colors Of Summer ~ The Garden of Pauline and Allen
< The Colors Of Summer ~ The Garden of Pauline and Allen >
Cape Breton International Drumfest
< Cape Breton International Drumfest >
The 100 Club
< The 100 Club >
Flying Fathers vs Guns & Hoses
< Flying Fathers vs Guns & Hoses  >
< yesterday__today__tomorrow >
The Gardener's  Perspective ~ The Garden of Barb & Rollo
< The Gardener's Perspective ~ The Garden of Barb & Rollo >
Photos For Fun
< Photos For Fun  >
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