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Bob Moeller's Recent Galleries

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29-Sep-2013 03:20
 Birds and Other Critters Along The Kern
::  Birds and Other Critters Along The Kern ::
21-Sep-2013 17:13
All Runners
:: All Runners ::
01-Sep-2013 19:02
Night Photography
:: Night Photography ::
01-Sep-2013 16:12
Tandem Bikers
:: Tandem Bikers ::
01-Sep-2013 16:09
Insects and Others
:: Insects and Others ::
13-Jul-2013 17:19
People on The Bike Path
:: People on The Bike Path ::
06-Jul-2013 18:44
Color in Nature
:: Color in Nature ::
17-May-2013 17:02
Photoshoped Images
:: Photoshoped Images ::
10-Apr-2013 20:54
 Stateside Travel
::  Stateside Travel ::
16-Mar-2013 22:26
Best of Larrys Picts
:: Best of Larrys Picts ::
26-Jan-2013 20:32
Bakersfield Track Club Jan 26 2013
:: Bakersfield Track Club Jan 26 2013 ::
25-Jan-2013 02:27
Vintage Auto Racing Association
:: Vintage Auto Racing Association ::