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Franz Bauer | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
Rick Osterfeld Jr.27-Dec-2005 02:03
Your pictures of Vienna are the best I have found on the net. I hope one day to take such fine pictures. I come to Vienna twice a year to vist family and have feel in love with this city. The photo of the entrance to St. Stephens in the snow is one of the best I have ever seen. Love is not enough to explain what this city does to you. You can read about this city you can watch TV programs about it. But until you have stood and waited on the 2 on the Ring you have not breathed. Short story my Mom grew up during the war and my Dad was in the US Army They have moved here to be close with her remaing family.
Richard A Osterfeld Jr.
Jal27-Oct-2003 17:51
Hi Franz,
Thanks for leaving such nice comments.
The nice boy is my son. He is 2 years and 9 months old. He is a great subject when he stands still. Most of his images are a blur.