24-Sep-2010 16:11

:: Gallery: Beetles ::
29-Apr-2010 07:36

:: Gallery: Mammals, Reptiles, and others ::
29-Apr-2010 07:34

:: Gallery: Bees, Bumblebees, and Wasps ::
17-Apr-2010 19:34

:: Just Spiders ::
15-Apr-2010 14:18

:: My fish tank ::
11-Apr-2010 19:34

:: Gallery: Bugs ::
05-Apr-2010 08:50

:: Gomera 2010 ::
27-Mar-2010 17:57

:: Cats, chinchillas, and a dog ::
05-Feb-2010 21:47

:: Various Birds - Raptors ::
22-Nov-2009 17:55

:: Various Birds - all the others ::
07-Nov-2009 19:34

:: Various Birds - the Tit Subsection ::
07-Nov-2009 19:33

:: Various Birds - the Blackbirds and Thrushs ::